Submit a Guest Post (Write for US)

Do you have any stories you want to share?

If you're interested in writing a guest post for our site, we'd love to hear from you! We're always looking for new, high-quality content to share with our readers, and we're happy to promote your work.

Some topics we're particularly interested in right now include:

  • Business
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Startups
  • Case studies
  • Finance
  • Technology

If you don't see a topic that you're an expert in listed here, don't worry - just suggest one that you'd like to write about. We'll try our best to accommodate it.

Everything You Need to Know about what we look for in the guest post:

  • At our ultimate goal is to provide our readers with as much as possible valuable content and authentic information.
  • We want each article to be so informative and well-written that the reader doesn’t need to put any extra effort to find the full information from other sources.
  • Our article in itself should be complete enough to provide intensive knowledge about the topic. 
  • The next big thing that we want in our article is that it should be written in a very reader-friendly and simple tone for the readers to understand it easily. 
  • We want our readers to be able to follow along easily from start to the finish. And, of course, we only publish articles that are in the best interest of our readers.
  • At last, there is also a required minimum word count which basically depends on the topic that you choose. But for a rough idea, the article must follow the minimum word limit of 2500. 
  • As we believe that longer articles will be able to provide more value and are more interesting to read.
  • And of course, the term value in the article includes: Images, infographics, reports, stats, data, and videos (youtube videos esp.)
    Basically, anything that makes the article more valuable and interesting!

What are we looking and expecting for in your content?

  • The very first and foremost thing is that we want to see content that is very well written and that is capable of reflecting the real-world experience. It must not sound as if it is written just on theoretical knowledge, it must convey the fact the writer is well aware and experienced in the topic.
  • Secondly, it would be great if the content is optimized for search engines so that the article is able to be seen by as many people as possible.
  • At last, we want to see articles that are rich in multimedia content, that includes images and other graphics like infographics, data charts, videos from youtube, etc. 

What we do not want in the article:

  • Boring long paragraphs make the reader feel sleepy and least interested before they reach the end of the article.
  • Articles that are already published somewhere. We do not entertain plagiarised content. ONLY, unique content is welcomed! Which is engaging and interesting.

Rules for Guest Posts:

  • We highly appreciate the fact that you are eager to put effort to share your story with us. Also, we give due credit to the author by mentioning the name and the company. And, Your copy is our property after it is published on our blog.
  • Your story will be published if we feel that the content that we have received from your end is genuine and valuable to our readers. 
  • At last, Thank you for considering contributing to!

How to send your guest post to us?

Just contact us at
My name is Ishant, ( i hope you already knew that :D)
